Rabu, 21 Desember 2011


Buat para hamba Tuhan...
tatkala Tuhan datangkan UJIAN
pandanglah dgn pandangan IMAN
di saat DIA kirimkan MASALAH/MUSIBAH
hadapilah dgn hati yg TABAH
dikala DIA utuskan CINTANYA pada kita
belajarlah utk berjiwa HAMBA
SENYUMLAH dan BERSYUKURLAH dgn apa yg dikurnia.

one more thing is, we fail to understand that, for example, we all have "phones/hand phones"... but it doesnt mean you can call whoever you wish, or the person you wanna call, without knowing the persons number.... u have to know the "number", for you to be able to call the person, if you miss a single 0 or a single 4, within the number, it will not only say "you have dialed a wrong number".. you will not be able to reach the person you are trying to call....

similar is Pray, i am not saying you are not doing it properly, that is between you and GOD, but we all have this tool, to call upon you GOD, but if you do not call the "correct" manner/way, then it will "not work".... so never lose hope, positive thinking of GOD.

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